It’s a social awareness tool to quantify like-minded individuals around the world and show their approximate location on the map. It uses existing social media networks, email and internet media to share content and solicit input.
If you’re a business owner, build your businesses reputation by entering a statement like “ACME provides its customers with the best level of service” and let people know you are on so they can show their support. If you manufacture a product you can enter a statement like “ACME companies Model XYZ is a great gizmo!’
If you’re running for Public Office or if you are starting a grass roots organization to drive social change you can, leverage your profile page to tell voters your position on issues like the environment, gun ownership, right to life, etc.
If you’re a Celebrity, use the site to share more about yourself with your fans and grow your social status. If you love a product or service tell people about it and see if your fans agree with you.
It can be used by anyone who wants to understand how people feel about a topic, product or service. A user has to simply craft a statement on a topic share it via social media and see who agrees and who disagrees.
Yes. Each user chooses their level of privacy. Some users choose to share their Support / Opposition on issues, while others choose to keep things private and “locked” so their position is not displayed on their profile page. Some users disclose themselves as the author of a statement and some do not. It’s all up to you.
You can send “Fan Mail” to another user if you have 20+ points. Points are earned by taking positions on statements or getting votes for a statement you authored. You can then use these points as a sort of currency to send another user “Fan Mail”.
Your Status is shown on your profile page after you receive 1 “Fan Mail” message. Your Status will start at “Interesting” and can progress up the ladder below to “Historic” if you get a following that’s willing to send you fan mail.
Fan Mail Messages | Status |
1 | Interesting |
100 | Got Some Game |
500 | Cool |
1,000 | Popular |
10,000 | Celebrity |
100,000 | Legend |
1,000,000 | Icon |
10,000,000 | Historic |
The lock icon indicates if your position on an issue will be displayed on your profile or not. If the lock is “locked” your position on the issue is private. If it is “unlocked” your position is displayed on your profile page.
No. Positions displayed on the map are an aggregation of all votes in each postal code and do not link to a profile page.
Yes, banking secure. All communications are encrypted. The platform is intended to let people respectfully and openly share their inner most thoughts and opinions. We take our responsibility for that trust seriously.